
Isn’t it the worst ? 

We all do it no doubt.

Last night i told myself i would get on with my work after 2 songs , and that was it .The next thing i know , I’m listening to a jukebox edition of bollywood hits on youtube and old is gold songs of Jay-Z ( a random mix which totally worked ). How do we stop procrastinating? We don’t. 

Theres simply no way in the world it is possible to completely stop procrastinating. The best we can do is procrastinate in the best way possible , and here are some useful tips on how to:

-> Do something boring such as force yourself to take a nap or read a boring article or do something that gets you tired . If you do something which entertains you, such as watching youtube videos or reading Cosmopolitan (let’s be honest) you’ll get carried away and before you know it its the evening before due date. Doing something relatively boring will make your actual work look so interesting , trust me on that !

-> Eat. munch. Chew. just don’t leave your study table. This is probably considered the worst alternative for all you gym junkies out there , but eating while working will get you through it quicker and actually make it bearable to sit down and get some study done.

->  Procrastinate in the area of study. Wanting to watch a movie instead? STOP! Instead, just rearrange or neaten your work area  . Put your unwanted pens and pencils away !

-> Write positive, motivational quotes and stick them all over your table. For all you new technology kids, insta or facebook it ! you’ll be surprised at how much that motivates you , especially if you get all those social media likes 😉 Isn’t that just such great motivation. (You’re kidding yourselves if you say it’s not)

-> DEADLINES should freak you out if you’re a serial procrastinator like me , so get a diary and a pen a write out your week’s required doing’s . Then get to it, if you’re doing things right in this day and age, there shouldn’t even be time to squeeze lunch in! (sad right, but remember, work hard play hard )

-> Dress the part. this really works for me ! Just make sure you’re dressed in an outfit you like to work in , either sweatpants or office wear….whatever works for you

-> Download one of those social media blocking apps. You’ll be so proud once you realise how long you lasted .For those Iphone users, just activate ‘ Do not disturb’ and walk away for a second , you’ll forget about it when you get back and just start working and continue to and feel sad about how nobody is trying to communicate with you , so you should just work to be a super scientist so you can earn enough to travel to destinations and enjoy it alone! (Guilty? 😉 ) Just don’t forget to turn it back on! 

That’s me for now, enjoy the tips readers !

Till next time 

